Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We went tubing at Gorgoza Park, then to see Santa in Park City last weekend. We had so much fun, Santa came down the lift in the dark with lit up lights that made it look like he was riding his sleigh with his reindeer!We cannot wait to return next year!! Millie did not want to leave!
Daddy and Millie!

Millie and Jack ready to get the party started!

Millie was picking the perfect tube!

Brad with Millie and Jack.
Millie decided to do the pulling herself.
The coke bear, Millie HATED him.

Millie bundled up and looking cute!

Getting ready to go up the hill!

Millie was not super impressed with Santa.. But he gave her some candy so she decided the jolly old man was alright!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cutie patooti!


We went to the Japanese market the other day and picked up some of our favorite things, including little sea weed strips that are salted and yummy to snack on! Turns out Millie Loves them! She walks around saying "I want SEA SEED" most days! She literally shoves it in so fast and want more, more, more!Healthy and yummy!
I want...


Often times Kenna gets bored... The boys have each other and she runs out of fun things to do..... This weekend she thought of a different way to entertain herself... AND everyone else!

The boys have a dress-up bag downstairs and Kenna decided to see what she could fit into. Keep in mind she is now
 5 feet 8" and most of there costumes are a 5/6!

I must say that I was laughing pretty hard! Thanks for the entertainment Kenna!

Need I say more???

Doing all of the moves as well!

This one is not really fitting! :)


Bed head!

These pictures speak for themselves! I'm pretty sure Millie had a GREAT night sleep! LOL! Her hair was not wet or anything when she went to bed. I walked in to get her and burst out with laughter, ran to get my camera, and snapped a few pictures!
I am pretty sure this is the BEST bed head EVER!

A birds eye view! :)