Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dear baby boy...#2

Dear baby boy.....I got a manicure and a pedicure today.(blue polish to welcome my baby boy)
PLEASE don't make me have to go get another one!
Please come soon!

Your loving mother!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dear baby boy

Dear baby boy..... I think I just about gave myself a hernia trying to shave one last time before you get here. Please let it be the last time!

Your(trying to be patient) mother <3

Thursday, January 19, 2012



a : a bed or receptacle prepared by an animal and especially a bird for its eggs and young

b: Around the fifth month of pregnancy, the "nesting" instinct can set in. This is an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world.

Females of the animal kingdom are all equipped with this same need. It is a primal instinct. Just as you see birds making their nests, mothers-to-be do exactly the same thing. The act of nesting puts you in control and gives a sense of accomplishment toward birth. You may become a homebody and want to retreat into the comfort of home and familiar company, like a brooding hen. The nesting urge can also be seen as a sign of the onset of labor when it occurs close to 40 weeks of pregnancy.

I can think of 20 more things to do that feel equally important!

Organizing the office

Taking the kids to dentist/doctor apts

organizing the garage/storage unit

baby boy needs a blanket of course!

Organizing game closet

Millie's birthday pictures
madly cleaning every carpet area in my house.
A long overdue project!

Clothing washed and ready to wear

linen closet... And every other closet in the home!

bedding washed and ready to go!

You would not believe the piles I have ready for D.I. (next thing on the "to do list")

I have been doing crazy amounts of hair( so if you need one more apt before mister comes, let me know!)

Everything feels like an emergency and I have crazy amounts of energy... I'm here to tell you nesting is a REAL THING PEOPLE!! :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kicking baby boy

Our little boy does this often! It's even more intense seeing it in person....But this was the best angle I could get !

Baby boy wants out!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


36 weeks and 5 days down! 23 days to go!!!

I cannot wait... but at the same time I can :) 2 little ones...Oh dear!?

last apt: 2 centimeters dilated, 60% effaced and head is locked/ready to go in my pelvis!
(And boy oh boy does it feel like it is as well!)

Monday, January 2, 2012

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....Happy NEW YEAR 2012!


Millie Loved this part of the night and kept asking to go do it again!
(what a fun age!)
Savannah looked as if it was her favorite part of the night as well!?

We have always ran outside beating pots and pans with spoons on New Years... I'll never forget the time when I was about Jake's age and broke my mom's le creuset pot lid....I thought My life might end in 1990! I asked her this year if she remembered? She didn't really but she said she still has one pot without a lid and now she remembers why! My sister also remembered it clearly, we must have been scared :)

Ringing in the NEW YEAR! Dance party!

First of all, I SUCK at dancing! I swore I would not partake in the non-sense... But I couldn't resist. By the looks of it nobody could!
These pictures kill me! I thought I might go into labor! I have not sweat that hard in about 9 months!

Lexy claims she is the best... I've never played
and I'd say I gave her a run for her money;)
(notice the scores!)

Bring it!

Gloat much Lexy?

We danced to.... I like big butts and I cannot lie! LOL!
(Appropriate song for me:)

Oh ya!

I believe this move was called the RODEO!

We were seriously HYSTERICAL!

Jake and Xander got in on the fun!
I told them I was going to sign them up for a hip hop class instead of baseball and football!
They were pretty good!

Millie and Solomon LOVED it and did not want to give anybody else a turn!
And I seriously need to start Millie in Dance! She has recently become obsessed!

As you can see in this picture.. Millie did not want Xander and I to have a turn!

Lexy and Jake! Nice moves guys!

Even Brad and Logan!

The sole purpose of this picture is to look at what in the world Millie is doing in the background!!??
I about fell out of my chair laughing so hard when I looked at this and every time after!!


Wyoming 2011

Over the river and through the woods to grandparents cabin we go............

Everyone was thrilled to finally see some snow!

And play in it too!
Daddy and Millie!

Mommy and Millie

Millie Loved playing outside!

Pulling the boys!

Shooting guns!


Kenna, Brad and Grandpa!

And we ended with a tea party! (what good brothers!)

Round 2 (divorce is not fun)

NERF revolver!

The BIG guns!

Clothes, clothes and clothes!

Trying out the scooter bikes!

A Scooter and a bike!?
Who knew Millie's play-dough factory would entertain them all!?
His favorite gift!
He is my son! His # 1 request!