How in the world is my tiny little newborn baby ONE this Sunday? It really is bitter/sweet.
I am not sure if I should be alarmed or excited? Updates coming soon!
13 years ago
~Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts~
Lol, that kind of sounds like I am talking about a puppy or something.... But it's still fun!
I have been teaching Millie a little bit of sign language - It really does help so much, of course because she can't talk yet....But she can still communicate!
The SL trax runs in front of our house so she has an interest in "trains"... (kind of a random sign)
Of course she loves her "milk!" (nursing)
She loves to take "baths". When she hears water she starts madly signing "bath."
And her best and favorite sign... She does it with out fail is "DOG."
She can sign all done, eat, more, shoes, and dad. When I say night night she sucks her fingers... So that is her very own sign for bedtime:)