I found the coolest carseat and at an amazing deal might I add! I saw it at T.J. Max and it looked really nice and somewhat expensive, they were selling it for 69.99. I decided that I would go home and check it out first because I had not heard of the brand. I got home and found out what brand it was and the regular retail price was 179.99! I did a little research on it and found that it is actually a really nice well liked model! It is deeper and bigger then the norm so babies will not grow out of it so quickly.... Triple the padding for added comfort and the list goes on and on... Also it is safe, and that's what matters right?! Anyways, YES I went back and purchased it and I LOVE IT!!!
I went back a few days ago and to my surprise they had another one! This time it was in black, now I need everyone to help me out.... I LOVE the red but I also like the black.... Brad laughed at me when I said the baby and it's things boy or girl will match better with black, I am not trying to match but a pink or blue blanket would look better with black right?? Well I have them both because I cannot decide for myself, I am more of a color girl then just plain black but??? ANY THOUGHTS??
I like the red, but I also am a color fan. You are going to have so many blankets, what I would do is just find a good solid navy blue, or a tan for a boy and then for the girl do a really pretty cream or tan and then just have that be the blanket you take with you in the car seat. I had just one or two blankets that I just kept with the carseat. That way you can have your color car seat and still have a blanket to match. Plus you will really only have the blanket in there the first 3-4 months and then till they are 1 or whatever age you keep them in it they probably will not be using a blanket, just a thought? So choose the car seat you like better vs what it will go with.
Hmmm, I think I like the black. It would look good with pink or blue and it will match the gray seats in your car. You really can't go wrong either way. Nice car seat! Maybe I'll buy the other one from you. Let me know before you return it.
Maybe just maybe you will need both! TIFF I really want the other one, I have a crappy one right now, so hopefully you don't want it because I really do..unless there are 2 babies coming! :)
I think you will know better what you want when you know what you are having!
Ha! Those car seats are a hot item! I'll have to arm wrestle Alison for it! You should sell it on craigslist...you could probably make a small fortune. I hope you don't need both! We all know what it's like to have twin babies around. They are meant to come in ones, not twos. Multiples are my greatest fear in life!
I love color, but I think I love the black. It can go with anything!!
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