Wednesday, September 1, 2010

on the menu!

This  is not as serious as the sushi! But this is today's lunch.. Hopefully these posts will give some of you ideas if you are struggling with the same things! There are some good books with ideas on amazon as well! It's hard when they can't warm things up so you really have to think hard to make something different!

Wheat pita with salmon and chicken mixed together with miracle whip.. and sprouts!
Pasta salad with lots of veggies mixed in! And of course some chips, a snack, and a drink!

Some of these recipes are a little crazy and most kids would never eat the stuff  but it gives me some good ideas.. And some I can change and add stuff in!  


leigh said...

ewwwwww, miracle whip.

Unknown said...

Haha- I agree with Leigh! Real Mayo all the way!

PiccaDilly said...

Show-off.....just making the rest of us look bad!

PiccaDilly said...

Oh, and I agree on the mayo. Canola mayo for sure.

Tabitha said...

Mom what are you talking about?? YOu are the reason we all eat M whip... That is all you bought.. It makes tuna and those things WAY better! Maybe you should all do a taste test I bet your kids would like my way better!! It's sweeter and yummier in things!

PiccaDilly said...

Yeah...I do like miracle whip for some things...potato salad for one.

Romeril Family said...

Thanks for the link, I am going to definitely be using that!! You are GOOD!!!!!!!